Generation of Taxes and Income
5.400 employees and contractors.
The municipal and federal taxes paid by CMOC are converted into public sector investments for the communities where we operate.
The annual average related to taxes is
R$ 250 million.

Local Suppliers
CMOC prioritizes the hiring of local suppliers.
About R$ 557 million were negotiated with suppliers from Catalão and Ouvidor in 2021.
In addition to the social projects developed, the company invests in partnerships with educational institution and trade schools:
- Federation of Industries of the State of Goiás (FIEG) and Sesi, Senai and IEL systems in the States of Goiás and São Paulo
- Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and of Catalão (UFCAT)
Benefits: Training young people for the job market through the Programs of Young Apprentices and Interns
Community Forums
We are members of the Community Advisory Board of Cubatão Industrial Pole and we participate in the Social Responsibility Group in Catalão.
Benefits: important local social participation forums.